Yann Sérandour, One week (2014)

  • 1 Yann Sérandour, One week
  • 2 Yann Sérandour, One week
  • 3 Yann Sérandour, One week

published by &: christophe daviet-thery,Paris

18,5 x 22,5 cm
edition of 50 copies unsigned

offset – Rivoli 90 grammes
price: 50 euros

For his exhibition « One Month » in 1969, Seth Siegelaub selected 31 artists to each produce a work on their assigned day of the month of March 1969.

From the show, he produced a bound calendar entitled « March on 1969 » (18 x 21.5cm – 31 pages), which includes six blank pages corresponding to seven artists who turned down Siegelaub’s invitation (Carl Andre, Michael Asher, Dan Flavin, Sol Lewitt, Bruce Nauman and Ed Rusha). 

In 2014, Yann Sérandour acquired a copy of the calendar and, in an act of appropriation/re-contextualisation, removed the staples and produced a piece called « One Week ». The piece contains the seven pages left blank in the original calendar. This work brought about the present edition which queries notions of potentiality, collection and the fetichism it can induce (taking into account or not that this piece might exist to the detriment of Seth Siegelaub’s first edition), as well as reflecting on the object’s status within the abstract practice. 

Consisting of a folder, in response to the strict preservation rules, and an index card with the following instructions: « 7 blank pages to be unstapled from « March 1969″ (On Month) published by Seth Siegelaub, and to be restapled into the existing holes ». 

Photographs : © Rebecca Fanuele